New Riders’ Guides are Now Available!
Click Here for News and current Rider Alerts
that may impact your travel plans for the day.


Coast Transit Authority

Keeping the Mississippi Gulf Coast Rolling Since 1975

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Route Shout

New Riders’ Guides are Now Available!
Click Here for News and current Rider Alerts
that may impact your travel plans for the day.


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Route Shout
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New Riders’ Guides are Now Available!
Click Here for News and current Rider Alerts

that may impact your travel plans for the day.

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, due to the Spring Arts Festival in downtown Ocean Springs, an alternate CTA public transit route will be used for Ocean Springs – Route 7, to work around the downtown area. This alternate route will be followed throughout the entire day. Route 7 does not operate on Sundays and will not be affected by the second day of the festival.


Riders are encouraged to plan their trips accordingly. Coast Transit Authority apologizes in advance for any inconvenience and thanks the public for their cooperation. The affected bus route is outlined on a map available at under “News & Alerts” (see below).


For additional information call 228-896-8080 or visit Follow Coast Transit Authority on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay in the loop!


OS-Spring Arts Route Map – 2024